Sauk Videos

Counting in Sauk – One to Ten!

Learn to count in Sauk. Counting from one to ten in the Sauk language.

Nîshwi Meshihkêwaki – Two Turtles

“Nîshwi Meshihkêwaki — Two Turtles”
– Sauk language
A digital story by Terrie Kinsey

Language Revitalization Workshop with the Enduring Voices Project, in Santa Fe, NM. April 2010.

Produced by the Sauk Language Department of Stroud, Oklahoma.

Sit, Stand, Walk, Jump and Run

Learn to speak Sauk! This video illustrates the words and phrases related to Sit, Stand, Walk, Jump and Run.

Produced by the Sauk Language Department of Stroud, Oklahoma.

Thâkîwa Myeh – Sauk Street

A video to help kids learn to speak the Sauk Language.

Produced by the Sauk Language Department of Stroud, Oklahoma.