Energy & Solid Waste

ARRA Energy Grant

This grant is funded through the U.S.  Department of Energy.  It funds one full time person.  This grant is part of the economic stimulus package approved by President Obama during the 2009 year.  This is a onetime grant that will allow the tribe to develop a plan related to energy consumption.  The ARRA Energy Grant allows the Sac and Fox Nation to develop an Energy Efficiency Strategy Plan to help reduce the amount of energy used by the tribe and the associated costs.  The plan will cover current energy usage of electricity and gas and propose alternative ways to reduce the Nation’s consumption which will allow us to decrease green house gases.  

Current grant activities include: 

  • Consulting with outside agencies on developing the Sac and Fox Nation Energy Efficiency Strategy Plan.
  • Obtaining outside services to conduct building audits on governmental buildings.
  • Will obtain training to conduct home weatherization audits and develop a weatherization program for tribal members at their request.
  • Maintain the Sac and Fox Nation recycling program that makes routine pickups for recycled material such as aluminum, plastics, paper and cardboard.  This material is then taken to a recycling facility in Oklahoma City, sorted and weighed for tracking purposes. This is then reported in the Sac and Fox Nation Newspaper.  
  • Purchase equipment to continue efforts for recycling at community events.

Solid Waste

The OES office was recently awarded a solid waste grant that will develop a Integrated Solid Waste Management Plan to address solid waste issues within the Sac and Fox Nation Jurisdiction.  The grant will fund one full time person, and will start 10/1/2010.  This ISWMP will address issues related to open dumps, recycling, waste characterization within Sac and Fox Nation communities, and Solid Waste codes and regulations.